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SoilTalks 05: Nature based solutions: soil-water connections for sustainable landscapes
13 December 2021. Listen to the talk. Join the debate. Read other peoples' posts below, then login and either start a new thread by clicking the 'New discussion' button (blue +) or reply to an existing thread. You can also subscribe to this forum to be notified of new activity.
SoilTalks 04: Soil Health: A New Buzzword or a New Paradigm?
21 October 2021. Listen to the talk. Why not share your thoughts on the topics raised during our October 2021 debate? Read other peoples' posts below, then login and either start a new thread by clicking the 'New discussion' button (blue +) or reply to an existing thread. You can also subscribe to this forum to be notified of new activity.
SoilTalks 03: Bringing Soils to Life: Getting the public excited about soils
8 June 2021. Listen to the talk. We ran SoilTalks 3 in June 2021, but the conversation can continue here. Read other peoples' posts below, then login and either start a new thread by clicking the 'New discussion' button (blue +) or reply to an existing thread. You can also subscribe to this forum to be notified of new activity.
SoilTalks 02: Be your own soil expert: Opening up soil research to everyone
25 March 2021. Listen to the talk. This online discussion took place in March 202, but you can still share your thoughts. Read other peoples' posts below, then login and either start a new thread by clicking the 'New discussion' button (blue +) or reply to an existing thread. You can also subscribe to this forum to be notified of new activity.
SoilTalks 01: 60 harvests left: True, false or missing the point?
26 February 2021. Listen to the talk. Although this online discussion took place in February 2021, you can still share your thoughts. Read other peoples' posts below, then login and either start a new thread by clicking the 'New discussion' button (blue +) or reply to an existing thread. You can also subscribe to this forum to be notified of new activity.