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Helpful Organisations for farms

GNLHF logos

Global Network of Lighthouse Farms

A worldwide network of farms and foodscapes that practice radical solutions to sustainability challenges
PFLA logo

Pasture Fed Livestock Association

Information about the benefits (including to soil) of pasture grazing of livestock.


Agricology is a network whose purpose is to share practical information on sustainable approaches with farmers and growers.

Organic Research Centre

The Organic Research Centre (ORC) is an independent research charity working for more sustainable farming systems.

Nature Friendly Farming Network

A group of farmers who have come together to champion a way of farming which is sustainable and good for nature.


The national FWAG Association represents local Farming & Wildlife Advisory Groups (FWAGs) across the UK.

The Sustainable Landscapes Programme

The Sustainable Landscapes Programme plans to help improve water quality by reducing the volume of soil erosion and the levels of nutrients and pesticides within the water courses.

Innovation for Agriculture

Innovation for Agriculture connects farmers with farming research. Helping farmers put innovation into practice.

The Allerton Project

The Allerton Project is a combination of commercial farming, research, demonstration and community engagement.

Farming Connect

Farming Connect is providing support which is transforming the business prospects of thousands of farmers and foresters in Wales.

Farming for a Better Climate: Soil Regenerative Agriculture Group

Five farmers working together to establish how best to support, enhance and protect their farm soils.

Innovative Farmers

Innovative Farmers is a not for profit membership network, for farmers and growers who are running on farm trials, on their own terms.


AHDB is a statutory levy board and is funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain.

Sustainable Food Trust

The Sustainable Food Trust is a registered charity campaigning for food and farming systems which nourish the health of the planet and its people.


The UK’s largest independent provider of agricultural and environmental consultancy, rural development services, research and development, and policy advice.


LEAF UK work with farmers, the food industry, scientists and consumers to inspire and enable sustainable farming.

The Soil Association

The Soil Association is the UK’s leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use.


Equipping farmers in the British Isles to regenerate soil and biodiversity.