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Films, videos, podcasts

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Soil Superheroes: 50 trillion

Delve into the vital statistics of earthworms. The third episode in UKCEH's 'Counting the Earth' podcast series features UKCEH scientists & Ellen Fay from Sustainable Soils Alliance.
Six Inches of Soil film

Six Inches of Soil

The inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities.

Soil testing - soil tests without a soil testing kit

Want to do a soil test in your forest? How to do a Soil Test without a Soil Testing Kit.

Media coverage of soil challenges: live discussion for journalists

Recording of a live session for journalists to discuss a crucial environmental issue: soil health.
BSSS logo

British Society of Soil Science videos

A collection of videos from the British Society of Soil Science, mostly talks, webinars and recordings of meetings.
GSBI logo

Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative videos

A collection of videos from the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative, mainly webinar recordings.
Recording of session at Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022

Getting Soils in SHAPE: Putting Soils at the Heart of UK Farming Policy

Recording of a session at the Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022
Artist and Creative Producer Lukus Robbins uses bioacoustics to explore our relationship to soil ecosystems.

Lukus Robbins - UnEarthed

Artist and Creative Producer Lukus Robbins uses bioacoustics to explore our relationship to soil ecosystems.
Secrets of Soil is an artistic experience set in a reimagining of the cosmic world beneath our feet

Secrets of Soil

Secrets of Soil is an artistic experience set in a reimagining of the cosmic world beneath our feet.
Kiss the Ground' netflix documentary on soils

Kiss the Ground

A documentary on how healthy soils can help mitigate climate change.
The film 'Dirt' on the importance of soil


A film that brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has.
A short film 'Field work' commissioned by the Peatland Partnership

Fieldwork by Hannah Imlach

A short film by Hannah Imlach commissioned by the Peatland Partnership.
Healthy plants and climate - soil is important to all areas of our life.

How soil offers hope for the climate crisis

Soil is important to all areas of our life.
The wonder stuff beneath our feet. This short animation from The Royal Society and BBC Ideas explores the magical world of soil.

Soil… the wonder stuff beneath your feet.

Soil - the wonder stuff beneath our feet.
Soil life, soil biodiversity, and human well-being.

Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

Soil is alive!
Recordings of soils alive with different organisms.

Sounding soil

Recordings of soils alive with different organisms.
Videos showing the behaviour of three different earthworm species.

Three earthworm species

Time-lapse videos showing the behaviour of three different earthworm species.
Earthworms decomposing making soil.

The Importance of Soil Biodiversity

Decomposition with and without earthworms.
Soil carbon soil security foundation.

Soil Security

Why soil carbon is important.
Nematodes soil food web claymation.

Soil food web

Soil food web.
video of famous chefs on soil

Chefs for Soil

Famous chefs talking about the importance of soil.
Why soil fertility is key to feeding the planet

Restore the Soil and Feed Tomorrow

David Montgomery explaining why soil fertility is key to feeding the planet.

No-Dig Gardening: An Easier Way to Grow

No dig for better growing.

How To Make Compost At Home

Make compost at home.
Examining soil structure (Current)

ADC 2020: Wil Armitage - Change for good

Soil health in dairy farming.

This Good Earth

A film on the UK covering soil, land and food.
Soil animals photography

When Soil Biodiversity Meets Art - with Christopher Marley

New ways of looking at the creatures that live in soil.

A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself

A short video on how healthy soils can mitigate flood risk.

Soil and Flooding - Durham University & Hotspur Primary School

A video presenting the importance of soil health for flooding prevention.

Vermicompost - Life in the compost bin

A video showing two weeks in a typical vermicompost.

Bioturbation - Worms at Work - With and without fauna

A video showing bioturbation and the difference worms make in this process

Changing Attitudes to Soil Health

An animated video on why ensuring our soils are healthy can help mitigate climate change.

Introduction to Soil: Part 1

What is soil anyway?

Soils host a quarter of our planet’s biodiversity

Invisible soil life

The Living Soil Beneath Our Feet

Invisible soil life.

Soils Are Living

Soil animals big and small!

Worms At Work - 20 Days Time Lapse Of Vermicomposting

Ever wondered what earthworm life looks like? This timelapse video is a glimpse into their busy lives in vermicomposting.

What is soil made from?

Animated video demonstrating how soil is a mixture of tiny particles of rock, dead plants and animals, air and water.

Farming with living soils

Living soils in farming.

Soil: Improving structure and function

Improving soils.