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Blogs & articles

Society for the Protection of Underground Networks

What are mycorrhizal fungi?

Mycorrhizal fungi, as explained by the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks, SPUN.

The secret world beneath our feet is mind-blowing – and the key to our planet’s future

2022 article by George Monbiot arguing why we ignore soil at our peril.
Positive News

The project to map the world’s fungal networks – and why it matters

Article from 2022 on an ambitious project to map the world's fungal networks within soils.
Positive News

Spotlight on soil: farming returns to its roots

Article from 2020 on farmers switching to regenerative agricultural practices, taking greater care of the soil.
HM Government logo

Guidance: Create and use a soil management plan

Guidance from Defra. Find out how land managers can use a soil management plan to benefit the environment, reduce soil risks and improve crop yields.
HM Government logo

Guidance: Increase soil organic matter

Guidance from Defra. Find out how land managers can improve soil structure, crop productivity and water quality by increasing soil organic matter.
GSBI logo

Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative blog

Beneath our Feet: A collection of fairly high level blog articles about soil biodiversity.
The Conversation logo

Healthy soil is the real key to feeding the world

An article on the importance of healthy soils for food production by Prof. David Montgomery, University of Washington.
Earlham Institute logo

Healthy soil is important, but what does it look like?

The Earlham Institute interviews Columbia's Dr Nasmille Larke-Mejía, discussing healthy soils and their importance for sustainable agriculture. Article & video.
Countryside magazine logo

What is soil health and why does it matter?

Healthy soil is fundamental to Britain’s farming system and to producing the food we eat.
Woodland Trust logo

Garden Soil 101

Six ground rules for preparing the soil in your gardening patch.
Woodland Trust logo

Soil Types

An easy guide to knowing your soil type, to help you choose the right plants for your garden and maintain them in good health.
Woodland Trust logo

Getting your Nitrogen Fix: How to make Green Manure

Learn more about green manures, what they are and why they're great for soil health.
Woodland Trust logo

Garden Organic

A series of articles on how to look after the soil in your gardening patch, from how to test it to how to protect it in the winter months.
Woodland Trust logo

Secrets of the soil

An issue of the Woodland Trust's Woodwise magazine from 2016 featuring a series of articles on woodland soils.
Growing That Gives Back: Regenerative Gardening Techniques To Practice At Home

Growing That Gives Back: Regenerative Gardening Techniques To Practice At Home

A blog about working with nature to create thriving gardens, including caring for the soil.
Discover and learn about soil animals

Soil animals

From soil health to gut health, connecting with nature has proven benefits for mind, body and the environments around us.
Farmerama logo

Farmerama Radio

Farmerama Radio is an award-winning podcast sharing the voices behind regenerative farming.
The Land magazine brand image

Ask not what soil can do for us

Magazine article by Ellen Fay, co-founder of Sustainable Soils Alliance, on claims about how many ‘harvests’ the UK’s soils have left in them.
Blog on soil and its importance

The Importance of Soil by Richard Bardgett

Richard Bardgett's blog on the importance of soil.
A great podcast series on life in the soil.

Life in the Soil Audio Podcast

A great podcast series on life in the soil.
Blog on urban soils

Underground in the City by Richard Bardgett

Richard Bardgett's blog on urban soils.
Blog on soils in wars

In War Earth Matters by Richard Bardgett

Richard Bardgett's blog on soils in wars.