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Save Soil
A global movement launched by Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health, and supporting leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable Soil.
SPUN Underground Explorers Program
The Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) runs its Underground Explorers Program to map mycorrhizal fungal networks around the globe.
Recording earthworms - #30minworms
The #30minworms initiative is a range of activities to develop soil science skills in the community. Earthworms are ecosystem engineers and here we provide top tips to determine local populations.
Meet the Dirt Doctor
Material from a series of public events highlighting how soils play a crucial role in almost every aspect of our lives. Focuses on Scottish soils.
MEEN: Save Our Soils project
MEEN are working to extend learning on soils and address the problem of poor quality soils on school grounds.
Children's booklet contest on salt-affected soils
A scientific children's booklet contest on salt-affected soils with the motto "Halt soil salinization, Boost soil productivity". Closing date: 7 November 2021 has information about earthworms including details of surveys you can take part in to look for worms in soil.
OPAL Soil & Earthworm Survey
An England wide survey that aimed build up a picture of soil quality and earthworm distribution all over the country.
Soil Your Undies
A free (and fun!) hands-on family, farmer or gardener activity for measuring soil biological activity by burying cotton underpants in the soil.
Earthworm Watch
A great, free, hands-on family activity for exploring the soil beneath your feet, and learning more about the wonders of earthworms.
Activity worksheet to introduce soils
A range of activities to engage young minds with soils.
Soil Profile
Free fortnightly video calls between farmers and classrooms. Bringing the countryside to life.
Farmer Time
Free fortnightly video calls between farmers and classrooms. Bringing the countryside to life.
Vidigrow: Gardening videos
A YouTube channel that links gardening activities to the school curriculum.
Much of a mulchness: GROW inside outside
A school garden activity using different materials to cover the soil to discover which is best at trapping moisture.
Super soil: on farm activities
An introduction to soil and on-farm activities to assess soil quality and type.
Soil Quest
An online quest for students to learn about soil health and how to restore it in a fun and engaging way.